Our Contribution Philosophy
As global citizens, we are committed to doing what we can with our time on this planet by making a positive difference in our communities and around the world. Loba is a business that is also made up of individuals who care about the impact we make. We want to inspire our customers and support them on their path to wellness, but we want to do more than that, too.
Our Contribution Philosophy outlines our beliefs and commitments for how we'll give back. As we grow as a company, so will our contributions.
Thank you for being part of this journey.
According to the World Economic Forum, sadly none of us will see gender parity in our lifetimes, and nor will many of our children. Gender parity will not be attained for almost a century, which makes it all the more important to do what we can within our time here on earth to make a difference.
The positive impact of gender equity will be felt by ALL genders. As women and girls around the world rise, so does society. We all can and should be feminists, and the mentorship of women and girls is one thing that has been proven to accelerate women’s leadership growth and have a positive ripple effect in families and communities.
What we’ll do
We will provide free, supportive mentorship to a minimum of 2 x mentees annually through programs such as YWIB, with the goal of having all future employees at Loba partake in programs as mentors to women and girls. We also commit to seeking out additional ways in which Loba can be active in developing women in leadership and entrepreneurship.
No person on the planet is immune from the devastating consequences of climate change. Temperatures and sea levels are rising, rainforests are being destroyed, and now is the time for action. Businesses need to do their part.
Although we're a small start-up, we believe we can make a difference by building our operations to be as sustainable as possible while reducing any negative footprint. We're doing it from the ground up by embedding these concepts in Loba from the beginning.
What we’ll do
Implement a Sustainability Plan
As Loba launches and grows as a company, we promise to work toward meeting the targets outlined in our Sustainability Plan (currently in development) - dedicating time, money, and effort to the implementation of sustainable practices, including the purchasing of carbon offsets annually.
Support the Conservation of Rainforests
The C02 released from deforestation produces more emissions than the entire world’s transportation sector, combined. It’s with this in mind that Loba will also donate a portion of our profits every year to the Coalition of Rainforest Nations which uses innovative social and economic strategies to enhance tropical forest stewardship, biodiversity conservation, and global climate stability. The organization has been deemed one of the most impactful charities in the environmental space.
Many people are uncomfortable speaking about their mental health struggles and avoid getting care. Even when they do reach out for help, the barriers encountered are many and great. In fact, in 2018 an estimated 5.3 million Canadians reported they needed help for their mental health in the previous year, with over 40% saying their needs were not or were only partially met.
The barriers to getting mental health supports can include (but are not limited to) high cost, long wait times, societal and cultural barriers, and a lasting stigma that is only now beginning to be broken down.
What we’ll do
At Loba, our leadership team will serve on the Board of Directors for at least one organization that provides crisis and mental health support in the community. In addition, we promise to speak openly and frankly about mental health on our platforms in an effort to break down stigmas and encourage people to create positive habits that foster their health and wellbeing.
The idea of framing how we will give back in this way was inspired by our friends at Eleven Eleven Talent. Access tools to draft your own Contribution Philosophy on their website.